Sun in Haiti – Day 3

January 25, 2010

Day Three, January 22nd

The day begins early in Haiti at 5am when the sound of the Haitians’ singing permeates the air. They sing songs of encouragement to each other to press on and not give up. Sun describes their positive attitude simply as ‘amazing’.

At 7.55am, an aftershock struck. It was short but strong an estimated 6 on the Richter Scale. At 8.05am, a second aftershock struck.

Sun visited the Haitian press and spoke with families that lost their homes that the world sees their suffering and wants to help. She told them that doctors and nurses from around the world are coming to help alleviate their suffering.

Sun Ho speaks to listeners on the radio

Sun Ho spends time with children who have lost their home in the quake

Sun speaks to a security officer whose nephew was treated by the team. He has provided security for the team.

The day is a fruitful one and in all the team perform over 100 surgeries on injured Haitians, however there are still many that need help. This can be seen from the massive crowd waiting outside the makeshift medical base, trying to get in to seek medical treatment.

Sun in Haiti – Day 1 & 2

January 25, 2010

Dear readers,

I’m sure you’ve already been blown away, as I have been, by Sun’s relief efforts in Haiti. Below is a detailed account of the day-to-day efforts of Sun and her team of volunteers to help the land of Haiti.

Day One, January 20th

After a long journey including a stop-off to pick up medical supplies, the first team of Citycare volunteers reach Haiti. They immediately start treating victims of the earthquake. Citycare is a non-profit organisation with whom Sun sometimes works with in her humanitarian efforts. These volunteers come from all over Asia and have travelled for days to reach Haiti!

Meanwhile Sun begins to make her day-long journey to Haiti.


Day Two, January 21st

After a day long journey, Sun finally arrives at Haiti. She immediately sees many injured Haitians treated by the volunteer doctors and nurses.

The victims injuries are many and extensive. Having no medical aid for almost a week, many of their injuries have become infected and are now even more difficult to treat. There is an urgent need for more doctors and nurses.

A lady’s wounds are badly infected due to lack of immediate treatment, the flesh is rotting and there is a strong smell


A lady’s facial wounds have been infected by maggots

Sun and the Citycare volunteers

At the end a long day Sun notes, ‘The day ends with a heavy heart. But hope comes from seeing the Haitian’s resolve and positiveness’. (

Fancy Free jumps to #19 on the Billboard Charts

January 23, 2010

Dear Sun Fans,

Thought you’d be pleased to know that the song we all love dancing to is proving increasingly popular in the US as well.

Its jumped a number of spots to the nineteenth place on the Billboard Club Charts!

Congrats Sun!

a heart for haiti

January 20, 2010

Dear Sun fans,

After the devastion in Haiti, it seems like the whole world is taken back in shock. Our dearest Sun, who is a humanitarian at heart has taken it upon herself to do something more for the people of Haiti.

Do check it out at for more details as to how you can do your part to help as well.

its 2010!

January 20, 2010


Its a new year and here we are once again offering you the latest updates into the exciting and dazzling life of our favorite SUPERSTAR…

Just some quick snaps taken from twitter! (Remember to add SUN at

Sun and her Boomkack team!

the gorgeous SUN working hard at the dance moves with Darrell and Fish!

They are definitely locked and loaded!

Sun with the inimitable DJ Chichilarue! FANCY FREE! 😀